Explore the emerging world of fintech integration, learn the different types of fintech integrations, and arm yourself with an 'Integration Factory' Playbook.
Integrations enable end-to-end visibility of GST data through real-time analytics and reconciliation of e-invoices, which is helping to expand revenue streams.
Cloud-based applications (HR, ATS and Payroll) were successfully integrated to provide scalable end-to-end solutions, resulting in an ARPU increase of 40%.
The ability to build intelligent application programming interface (API) ecosystems is a significant driving force in the digital transformation of the supply chain.
Fintech company's redesigned cloud-native solution leverages microservices architecture and integration to boost efficiency and improve service levels.
People want the same level of last-mile visibility they get with their Amazon package on everything they order, but reaching that point can be a challenge.
Data integration addresses data silos by connecting systems to collect disparate data, standardizing data formats, and creating a single unified view of all data.
Data is the key to unlocking supply chain visibility. But disparate systems and data silos cause roadblocks. How can siloing be resolved so visibility can be achieved?
IoT sensors, cloud data engineering, analytics, geofencing and other Industry 4.0 technologies drive visibility into inventory, assets and energy spend.