Kinexions, Miami, June 17-20, 2024

Kinexions Reflections ...

Kinexions 2024 was a remarkable convergence of the supply chain community, hosted by Kinaxis. It was an event that truly captured the essence of navigating a landscape of changing expectations, continuous disruption, emerging technologies, and talent shortages.

Attendees were immersed in a gateway to innovation and growth, engaging in insightful discussions and learning from best-practice examples. The event offered practical advice and real-world solutions, empowering attendees to transform their supply chains into powerful forces for good. The collective wisdom and shared experiences from Kinexions 2024 have undoubtedly set a new benchmark for the industry.

If you were unable to attend, we invite you to schedule a meeting with our experts. Please contact us to arrange a session and catch up on the valuable insights you may have missed.
