November 30, 2022
Data Warehousing and Spend Optimization Position Auto Manufacturer to Save Millions
Data consolidation and enrichment and new dashboards are enabling predictive analytics and arming the company with unprecedented visibility into spend.

November 16, 2022
Internet Payments Infrastructure Provider Boosts Revenue per User and Overall Profitability with Fintech Integrations
Integrations between disparate fintech systems enable the company to offer new solutions to existing customers –and accelerate their revenue growth.

October 4, 2022
Overwhelmed by 300K Annual Orders, Life Sciences Company Successfully Implements AI-Powered Tracking System
AI, ML, IoT, enterprise data and external insights provide an ‘eye in the sky’ view of the entire supply chain and the ability to monitor shipments in transit.

September 20, 2022
AI-Powered Spend Analytics Software Helps Manufacturing Company Identify $55 Million in Noncompliant Purchase Orders
Manufacturing company leverages spend analytics to enable the tracking, monitoring and analyzing of spend data – and improve visibility on a global scale.